2012 Breathitt Lecture : Memory and Hapticity by Ainsley Wagoner
2012 Breathitt Lecture : Memory and Hapticity by Ainsley Wagoner. Why architecture must depend upon common senses.
2012 Breathitt Lecture : Memory and Hapticity by Ainsley Wagoner. Why architecture must depend upon common senses.
The 18th Annual Breathitt Undergraduate Lecture In The Humanities entitled, "Memory And Hapticity: Why Architecture Must Depend Upon the Common Senses" will be given by Architecture senior and A&S Hive student designer Ainsley Wagoner on January 26th at 7p.m. at the W.T. Young Auditorium.
A&S Hive student designer Ainsley Wagoner will present this year's Breathitt Undergraduate Lecture. Wagoner's talk will explore the role of memory in haptic architecture.