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At the beginning of the Fall 2011 semester, we met with all of the new faculty hires in the College of Arts and Sciences. This series of podcasts introduces them and their research interests. Melissa Stein is an assistant professor in the Department of Gender and Women's Studies and researches scientific and cultural constructions of the body around race, gender, and sexuality.
The University of Kentucky was recognized by the Chronicle of Higher Education this week as a top producer of U.S. Fulbright Scholars for 2011-12 academic year, with five recipients as of Oct. 7.
When Gareth Voss, pictured with his father, political science Professor Steve Voss (right), and biology Professor Randall Voss (left), was tasked with finding a UK professor to work with on a project at Dunbar High School, he never thought that a common email mix-up would have such a lasting effect on his scholarly trajectory.
In this Dean's Channel Video, Dean Mark Kornbluh sits down to talk with the new President of the University of Kentucky, Eli Capilouto. President Capilouto stresses the importance of a strong and broad undergraduate education that harnesses the power of technology and cutting-edge research.
I recently had the honor of attending the Pioneer Natural Resources gift recognition ceremony on UK’s campus. The Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences (EES), in partnership with UK alumnus and Pioneer’s Vice President of Technology Tom Spalding, accepted a $600,000 gift from the company. The gift, which is intended to be spread over the next three years, will fund the Pioneer Natural Resources Research Professorship in Stratigraphy, as well as a three-year recruiting fellowship. Ellen Kaiser a first-year student in EES is the first recipient of this award. Pioneer is a large independent oil and gas exploration company based in Dallas, with operations in Texas, Colorado, Alaska, and South Africa.
Carl Nathe recently interviewed some of our distinguished facutly from the Department of Psychology for his UK at the Half segment, which airs during each UK football game. He spoke with Professor Greg Smith, director of clinical training and head of UK's doctoral program in Psychology about the recent productivity studies of North American universities.
Carl Nathe recently interviewed one of our own faculty members for his UK at the Half segment, which airs during each UK football game. He spoke with Ann Kingsolver, Director of the UK Appalachian Center and a professor in the Department of Anthropology, about her work in the area. Kingsolver is excited to be part of the Center and the Appalachian Studies Program and is busy exploring ways to become more involved in the community – for the university, faculty, and students.
Dean Mark Kornbluh sits down with Ann Kingsolver, a professor in the Department of Anthropology and the new Director of the Appalachian Research Center and the Appalachian Studies Program. Find out about her passion for the region and how she plans to strengthen UK/Appalachia connections.
Revision is one of the most challenging, exciting, and important parts of the writing process. Students in WRD 110 and 111 often learn new revision strategies, but they might not realize that their instructors are often going though the same revision processes! Wordcast #2 features two WRD instructors, Jason Helms and Craig Crowder, discussing their experiences with revision. This podcast features images from Dr. Helms dissertation, which he is currently revising into a book manuscript.