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college of arts & sciences

University of Kentucky Researchers Speak Out: Stop the Sequester



University of Kentucky physiologist Michael B. Reid, mechanical engineer Suzanne Weaver Smith, and chemist John Anthony convey the specific impact of sequestration (automatic cuts in research and other government spending) on the next generation of American scientists. These faculty investigators join academics across the country who made videos for Science Works for U.S., a website of the Association of American Universities, the Science Coalition, and the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.

Cold War Poster Exhibit Opens with Russian Tea, Русский чай

In celebration of University of Kentucky College of Arts and Sciences' year-long exploration into the culture and history of Russia, UK Libraries continues "Reimagining Russia's Realms" throughout the spring semester with an exhibit of Soviet Cold War-era military posters from the UK Libraries Scott Soviet Military Collection. The free public poster exhibit will open with a Russian Tea at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 6, in the Hub at William T. Young Library.

16th Annual University of Kentucky Philosophy Graduate Student Conference

The College of Arts & Sciences and the Committee on Social Theory presents the 16th Annual University of Kentucky Philosophy Graduate Student Conference. The conference is also co-sponsored by The Graduate School at the University of Kentucky. While all academic papers in any area of philosophy will be considered, preference will be given to those addressing the broad themes of the intersection and relation between philosophy and community, culture, and society.  Such themes may include: What is philosophy's proper relationship to the community?  How can philosophy (or humanities/academia in general) better relate itself, or communicate its concerns, to the greater community?  What are some philosophical conceptions of community?  And so on.  All quality papers in any philosophical "style," whether "analytic," "historical,"  or "continental," will be considered.  Papers of an interdisciplinary nature are strongly encouraged.
Deadline for submission: February 8th, 2013.
Submission Guidelines: Papers and abstracts should be prepared for blind review. 
Please submit the following as separate documents: 
a) cover page with author's name, title of paper, word count of paper, institutional affiliation, and contact information (including email, phone number, and mailing address) 
b) an abstract of no more than 300 words 
c) the paper itself, double spaced, of no more than 3500 words. Word, pdf, and rtf are all acceptable formats.
All submissions and queries should be emailed to:
WT Young Auditorium
Event Series:

New Hazard Station Added to Kentucky Seismic and Strong-motion Network

A new earthquake-monitoring station has been added to the seismic network that is jointly operated by the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) at the University of Kentucky and the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences in the UK College of Arts and Sciences. The station is located behind the Perry County Public Library in Hazard, Ky., in the southeastern part of the state.

On The Move and Staying Put: Jennifer Hamilton

The educational rabbit-hole of entering the medical world can be a time consuming one. Often students feels that they don’t have time to squeeze in an elective of their choice — much less a semester abroad. Jennifer Hamilton however, was able to study abroad twice while earning her undergraduate degree in biology. Hamilton attributes this achievement to her College of Arts and Sciences advisor who guided her through the study abroad process, helped with scholarships, while also keeping her on track academically.

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