Mentoring is the cornerstone of graduate education and a key component of student well-being, timely degree progression, and future career success. The College of Arts and Sciences encourages graduate programs to facilitate close collaboration among faculty and students with shared scholarly interests. Each graduate student should be assigned a member of the graduate faculty who will act as the student's major advisor. Both faculty and graduate students have different relational styles and there are a diversity of models for what this professional relationship will look like in practice. Each department should have a formal graduate advising policy that establishes shared expectations and mutually agreed upon best practices for graduate advising. To support effective graduate advising in the College, we provide resources for both PhD students and graduate advisors to help them make the most of these important relationships. In addition to their graduate advisors, PhD students also have access to multiple forms of academic and career support services at the University of Kentucky. Please see the College's Policy on Graduate Student Success and Evaluation for more detailed information.
Departmental Graduate Advising Policies
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Modern and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Departmental TA & RA Policies
Earth and Environmental Sciences