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Get Involved

Join the community each week on Mondays at 4pm in Roselle Commons for activities faciliated by our Head of Hall and Resident Tutors. There will be snacks and quick activities to keep us focused while having fun. See the Calendar for more details.
Roselle Walks
Our campus community benefits from being located near the heart of Lexington, and the location of our residence hall makes us downtown residents. Our privilege and indeed our responsibility is to be neighbors. As part of this vision of Roselle House, join the Head of Hall on Roselle Walks. Create your own walks, invite your friends and neighbors. Explore new places and spaces! Contact Christine Blank if you’d like to schedule a Roselle Walk on our Calendar.

Resident Tutors
Our Roselle House Resident Tutors are a special kind of peer mentor, to help you stay connected and engaged along your academic path. Talk to them about campus life, about your courses, and about life in Lexington. RTs are encouraged to create events for the whole Roselle community, or small events on their floor.