Speaker(s) / Presenter(s):
6 A&S Staff and Interim Dean Brady
Intended Audience:
On Tuesday, May 4th, the Arts and Sciences Staff Council will be hosting the second iteration of 'Conversations with the Dean'. This event will involve a very small group (approximately 6 staff members) meeting with Interim Dean Brady in a calm, low-key, digital environment to get to know one another and ask questions. While each of us is very appreciative of the townhalls and webinars hosted by University leadership, the A&S Staff Council thought an event in this format would be a better opportunity to truly connect and get to know the Dean.
That said, we also understand that many people do not enjoy public speaking, but that their questions and voices are just as important.
With that in mind, and if you are willing, we would ask that each of you read through and fill out the survey at the link below:
We will be accepting survey responses through Wednesday April 28th and hope to have staff attendee selections finished by Friday April 30th. Invited staff will be sent a separate email containing a Zoom link. Finally, if there are a high volume of staff members interested in attending, selections will be made at random and a second, similar event will be considered for some point in the future.
Again, and as always, please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Thank you!

Event Series: